Discover our professional construction insurance offer, designed to secure your projects. These tailor-made solutions protect against risks right from the design stage through to the end of the ten-year coverage period, ensuring peace of mind for construction professionals. Benefit from comprehensive coverage tailored to your specific needs.
Professional construction insurance: how to insure your building site properly?
Your construction insurance broker: expertise and defending your interests

As a broker specializing in professional construction insurance, our role is to survey the market on your behalf, so that we can offer you the insurance cover that really suits your needs. We select the most reliable and sound insurance companies for you, then negotiate with them the best cover and levels of cover at the fairest price. Together, we'll build the most comprehensive insurance coverage for you. Our dedicated legal experts will also defend your interests in the event of a claim.
Erection All Risks Insurance: project continuity first and foremost
When it comes to comprehensive construction insurance, there's a wide variation in the coverage and exclusions offered by different insurers. Erection All Risks Insurance provides cover for often serious incidents such as fire, flood, water damage, storms, etc., which can have major financial consequences and potentially delay project completion. It compensates for the failings of companies that are often under-insured during the course of a project.
Optimize the security and success of your installations with our Erection All Risks Assembly and Testing Insurance policy, for safe and worry-free commissioning of your equipment. All Risks Assembly and Testing is an insurance policy specifically designed to cover risks associated with the installation and testing of machinery or equipment for industrial projects. It protects against damage that may occur during assembly, testing, and sometimes after commissioning, thus ensuring the financial security of the project in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

Construction damage insurance: the long-term future of the structure

With our construction damage insurance offers, you can be sure of the long-term future of your work. Our tailor-made solutions meet your specific needs, the insurance obligation and the requirement for optimum coverage. Drawing on our many years of experience in the sector, we bring you unrivaled expertise, incorporating the latest innovations in safety and environmental regulations. Our international presence enables us to offer you extensive support, adapted to large-scale projects and the specific requirements of foreign markets.
Security and compliance for the Property Developer: insurance that is also mandatory
Property Developer's insurance may be little-known, but it is essential for covering the owner's decennial liability. In particular, it is designed for entities that sell or transfer a work within ten years of taking delivery of it. Like construction damage insurance, it covers the risk of defects affecting the solidity of the structure or rendering it unfit for use, thus protecting the seller (and no longer the structure) against future claims from purchasers or third parties. Increasingly, the owner's liability is directly implicated.

Cover your major projects with the Group Decennial Liability Policy

Secure the long-term future of your major projects (>15M€ ex-VAT) with our Group Decennial Liability Policy, designed to provide additional, reliable coverage for all those involved in the building process.
This group policy offers companies a simplified and often more economical way of complying with the legal obligation to take out decennial insurance.
Verspieren Technique et Prévention : Nos solutions de services pour sécuriser et encadrer les risques pour les acteurs de l’assurance construction.
Verspieren Technique & Prévention, filiale spécialisée du groupe VERSPIEREN, est un acteur clé pour sécuriser vos projets de construction de maisons individuelles et de promotion immobilière.
Véritable expert, elle intervient en cas de défaillance d’un constructeur/promoteur en garantissant l’achèvement des travaux et la gestion globale du sinistre comprenant l'audit technique sur site, la gestion technique sur-mesure et une gestion financière rigoureuse de A à Z.
Spécialiste du CCMI et de la VEFA, elle accompagne les compagnies d’assurance et garant dans les domaines de l’audit (Financier, Technique, Exposition et Juridique), le conseil et offre des solutions de prévention pour les professionnels de la construction.
Des services personnalisés pour des risques mieux maîtrisés, c’est la vocation de Verspieren Technique et Prévention.

La défaillance d’une entreprise n’est pas une fin en soi, la prévention permet de limiter les coûts lors d’un sinistre et optimiser les délais de gestion.
Discover our additional coverage
We have developed tailor-made solutions, as well as packages combining several types of cover, so that you can put together the best insurance package for your needs, while keeping your budget under control.