The acquisition of a company is a complex operation and one which all investors seek to secure in as far as possible. Our Verspieren Cap Invest division will help you identify the vulnerabilities in your operations and propose innovative solutions to reduce the risks, all of this under conditions of utmost discretion. Verspieren Cap Invest is our dedicated division for capital investment professionals, financial institutions and companies during their Mergers & Acquisitions activities. We are a member of France Invest.
Capital investment insurance
Due diligence: an audit of the target company’s insurance policies

Based on the availability of technical information from the data room (insurance policies and amendments, claim-related statistics, etc.) concerning the target company:
- we can carry out an analysis of the insurance policies and the claim rate,
- • we can assess the coherence of the insurance cover provided and alert you to any possible anomalies,
- we can provide recommendations on the existing policies and on the introduction of supplementary cover.
In this way, you have all the information you need to analyze the insurance-related situation of the target company.
Closing: liability guarantee insurance

The constraints related to liability guarantees (Warranty & Insurance) can be considered unacceptable and lead to a reduction in the sales price or even to the abandonment of the negotiations. Liability guarantee insurance can help overcome these difficulties at the closing stage. According to your needs, we will negotiate the liability guarantee insurance best suited to you. Our thorough knowledge of expert insurers in this field means that you can benefit from a number of key benefits.
Post-closing: the upgrading of insurance cover
Upon completion of the audit of the target company’s insurance policies, we can upgrade the insurance cover to cover any insurance-related gaps we have identified or remove double-cover. Our goal? To effectively secure the company and to protect its human capital..
We are proactive when it comes to finding dedicated insurance solutions and for this reason we have created policies linked to all risks, particularly in the cyber-criminality field.