As a real estate agent, property dealer, management agent or building manager, you are subject to a specific regulatory and legal framework. At Verspieren, we have been specialists in provision of insurance for real estate professionals for the last 40 years and are no.1 in this sector. Our dedicated department has 150 staff, all specialists in your field. This experience has given us a detailed knowledge of your day-to-day problems and requirements.
Unique expertise for the benefit of real estate professionals

As the obligations incumbent upon property managers and condominium management agents are not the same as those for property dealers or building managers, we have drawn up a wide range of insurance policies for real estate professionals (real estate agents’ professional civil liability, real estate financial guarantees, multi-risk policies for buildings, etc.).
We are today the only player in the market able to meet 100% of real estate agents’ insurance requirements. As when a particular form of cover doesn’t exist in the market, we create it! We have been the initiators of numerous innovations:
- Sécur’tréso: to cover condominium fees
- Insurance for unpaid rent
- The Multi-risk Construction Work pack
- SOS Assurimm, for condominium management agents
Make managing your real estate insurance simpler, enabling you to concentrate on your core business
We know that you are subject to considerable administrative constraints, which can take up a lot of your time. We seek to simplify your management activities in as far as possible. Our goal? To allow you to devote more time to your business.
Some examples:
- you pay your premium online,
- for unpaid rent: we have simplified the approvals
- for Multi-risk Construction Work: you have online access to the list of work needing to be declared,
- you can declare your annual turnover online.

Key Figures
The ongoing monitoring of real estate insurance and regulations

Including newsletters, white papers and summary books, we publish numerous documents to keep you informed about changes in regulations in your sector and to make insurance easy to understand. Our teams, who are involved in numerous litigation cases for real estate professionals, possess in-depth knowledge of case law to bring you the best possible advice.
We have also forged partnerships with the key players in the profession: UNIS, Century 21, Orpi, Era, etc. We are constantly updating our knowledge with all stakeholders in this sector to be able to anticipate changes and to support your business development more effectively.