As the manager or HR Director of your company, you are involved in managing the employee saving schemes for your staff. Faced with a huge and often not particularly transparent choice of options, you can count on our objective knowledge of the market and our capacity to create bespoke benchmarks and recommendations to help you choose the solution best adapted to your needs.
Employee savings
We choose the best-performing employee savings solutions

It’s sometimes difficult to find your way about among the wealth of distributors of employee savings products and the 20 to 30 investment funds they propose. We can help you compare their performance, take into account all of the costs, and draw up forecasts... We provide you with high-performance benchmarks based on your criteria. You can compare them with the management fees charged by each service provider before focusing on what matters: the net earnings paid out to you.
In addition to performance, we carefully check all key data such as the rating of the shares and the service provider’s effective support capacity and reporting or his solvency ratio... All vital checks to be carried out!
Ultimately, the equation is a complex one and the risks are very substantial! Performance variations of 40 to 50% are by no means rare, including between money market funds.
We ensure the compliance of your employee savings scheme
Experience has shown that many companies have not formally defined their employee saving scheme correctly, and have their contracts regularly challenged by the URSAAF and the tax authorities. To avoid any short or long-term administrative or legal issues, we provide you with expertise to formally draft the documents and contracts concerning your employee savings scheme.
Working with you, we can examine the best solutions to introduce your employee savings scheme: negotiating a company-wide agreement, a unilateral decision by the employer or organizing a referendum...
We will inform your staff about their employee savings scheme
We can assist you with the introduction of the employee savings contract, and particularly with the awareness-building, information and negotiation stages involving your employees.
We can also provide your staff with information about any crossovers which exist between the employee saving scheme and the supplementary retirement plan.
We can also assist regarding communication with the social partners. You can always count on us, at every step of the way!