Whether you’re an organizer of sports events, an association or a sports group, you need an insurance broker in whom you can have full confidence, who will optimize your budget, be there to advise you and manage your claims. At Verspieren, we believe that your job is to bring your audiences exciting sporting moments and that our job is to help you do this as well as possible.
Insurance for sporting events
Solutions for insuring your sporting events
Your events are unique and even if you have been organizing them regularly or for a long time, the risks change over time, as do your requirements. Our specialists will perfectly understand the specific characteristics of your events to identify the risks to which they’re exposed and advise you on the best cover to take out. They’ll also be present on site on the event day, to ensure maximum responsiveness if an incident occurs.
Aware that your insurance budget must also be taken into account when choosing your cover, we propose relevant and original financial solutions. Our strong position in the insurance brokerage market puts us in an excellent position to negotiate with insurance companies.

We spend a great deal of time in the field, enabling us to build up a relationship based on trust and confidence with our clients and to meet their needs speedily.
Rapid claims management
The settlement of claims is vital both for the organizers of sports events and for sports groups. Any delays can adversely affect both your image and the long-term future of your business. Thanks to our management team and the numerous delegated management agreements we have with the insurance companies, we manage all claims, from the moment they are declared through to the payment stage, ensuring that your interests are protected at all times.